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Testing and Adjustment of the Generator

source:The station The author:Anonymous release:2011-11-22 modify:2013-10-06

membership:Industry news click:2482

1. Check the start system:

• Electric starting

---check whether the electrolyte proportion of the starter battery is between 1.240 and 1.280. If the ratio is lower than 1.180, it means that the there isn’t enough electricity in the battery.
---Ensure  that  the  electric  circuit  is  correctly  connected  and  the  control  system  is  preparing  for  the starting. The air clutch shall be disengaged.
---Ensure that the connection terminals on the battery are not fouled or oxidized. If so, rub off the foul or scales.
---Ensure that the electric contact pins on the starter motor and the solenoid provide good contact.
• Pneumatic starting
---Ensure that there is no leakage in all sections of the air pipes including joints.
---Ensure that the pressure of the air bottle is between 2,500 and 3,000 kPa.

Generator Adjustment

There are two types of ETTES POWER Generators, ordinary and automatic. Please refer to their respective instruction handbook for the starting methods.

¢Ù Starting

a.First, adjust the engine to idling speed (500-700r/min). For engines with mechanical speed governor, use the speed control arm to adjust the speed. For engines with electronic speed governor, use the idle knob on the speed controller to adjust the speed.
b. Switch on the power supply. Start the Generator if the warning lamp gives out no warning signal (for Generator equipped with protection mechanism).
c. Generators equipped with preheating and prelubricating mechanisms can be started if the preheating and prelubricating processes have been completed. Press down the start button. If the Generator is not started within 10 seconds, release the start button immediately and try it a second time after a 2 minutes interval.
If the starting effort fails for the third time, do not try again. Find out the problems and fix them. After that  the  Generator  may  be  restarted  and  the  interval  between  each  starting  trial  shall  not  be  less  than  30 seconds.
d. When   the   Generator   is   successfully   started,   release   the   start   button   immediately.   Meanwhile   the amperemeter  for  the  charging  current  shall  points  to  the  positive  position  or  the  charging  voltmeter
indicates a charging current voltage≥25V. These mean that the charging is working well. For Generators
equipped  with  working  conditions  protection  mechanism,  if  light  or  acoustic  warning  is  signaled,  the Generator must be stopped for a check.
e. The  idling  speed  of  the  Generator  shall  remain  between  500  to  700r/min.  Keep  a  close  watch  on  all  the instruments and pay attention to abnormal noises or phenomenon. If there is any abnormity, decision must be made as whether to stop the Generator.
¢Ú Running

a. After the Generator is started, increase the engine velocity gradually to a level between 1,000 and 1,200 r/min to warm it up. When the coolant drained from engine eaches 450C, the engine can be revved up to rated speed. If the Generator can work well at no loads, engage the Generator circuit breaker to supply power to the load. If the generator can not automatically establish a voltage, please check whether the AVR panel is working normally and magnetize the generator if necessary. When voltage is established, adjust the voltage-variable resistor to pinpoint the no-load voltage to the rated value and then engage the circuit breaker to supply power to the load.
b. If several Generators work in parallel, the operation staff shall ensure that the Generators have synchronized phases  before  turning  on  the  parallel  switch.  This  is  to  avoid  impacts  on  the  Generators  from  phase variation.
c. If  the  paralleling  fails  for  several  time,  please  remove  the  load,  separate  the  Generators  and  adjust  each Generator individually.
d. Exert realtime monitoring on the working conditions of each parts during the normal operation of the Generator.  Visit  the  instruments  and  warning  lamps  and  record  the  readings  once  an  hour.  Usually,  the coolant temperature is 900C and shall never exceed 950C.
e. Check the amount of fuel and oil regularly. If the fuel level goes below one third of the tank, it needs to be refilled. If the oil level on the dipstick is below the minimum mark, more oil is needed.
f. Load   variation   shall   be   gradual   and   even.   Except   in   emergencies,   sudden   engagement   and disengagement of loads are prohibited. The Generator shall not work at full load before the coolant past the engine reaches 550C and the oil reaches 450C.
g.For  Generators  in  noise-proof  rooms,  regular  access  into  the  room  is  required  to  check  the  working conditions of the Generator and record instrument readings. If there is any abnormity, solve them as soon as possible.
h. During the operation of the Generator, dedicated personnel is required to check and replace air, fuel and oil filters. If there is any leakage of air, fuel and oil, have them fixed as soon as possible.

¢Û Stop the engine

b.Diminish  the  load gradually until  completely remove  it  from the  Generator.  Disengage the Generator circuit breaker and let the engine run at idling speed for 3 minutes before it comes to halt. Try not to stop the engine at full load to avoid overrev.
c.If  open  cooling  system  is  used,  shut  off  the  water  inlet.  In  cold  environment  where  the  ambient temperature drops below 00C, the remaining cooling water in the cooling system shall be completely drained  so  that  the  mechanic  parts  of  the  machine  would  not  be  damaged  by  freezing.  Coolant  with anti-freezing additives is an exception.
d.Backup Generators or Generators seldom used shall be sealed with grease as required. If not grease sealed, they must be started to run at load for 5 to 10 minutes as least once per week to avoid rusting of the inside parts.
e.The Generator can be stopped emergently in the following way: disengage the Generator circuit breaker quickly and place the throttle in the “stop” position to shut off fuel supply after the load is removed. This will completely halt the engine.
f.After the Generator stops running, a timely check must be carried out on the Generator surface. Wipe off the grease on the Generator, record the time it stops, check the condition of the battery and render the Generator ready for next start.

Running In Principles

Before  putting  a  new  Generator  into  operation,  the  Generator  must  be  run  in  according  to  the  technical instructions  in  the  user  manual  for  the  diesel  engine.  Proper  running  in  smoothens  the  surface  of  the moving parts and prolongs the life of the engine. For old Generators that haven’t been used for a long time,run-in shall also be conducted before retesting them.  When  running  in  the  Generators,  increase  the  engine speed  and  load  on  a  gradual  basis  to  ensure  a  good  run-in  result.  Engine  oil  shall  be  watery  at  the beginning of run-in and then increase the viscosity gradually.

During the course of run-in, try not to let the Generator operate at empty/low loads for long periods. Or it will cause the following results: decreased fuel efficiency, oil/diesel fuel spills from the exhaust pipe, carbon deposits  on  the  piston  and  piston  ring  groove,  incomplete  combustion  and  fuel  intrusion  into  the  oil. Therefore the Generator is not allowed to run at low load for more than 10 min. Backup Generators must run at full load for at least 4 hours every year to burn off the carbon deposits in the engine and exhaust system so that the carbon deposit will not impair the life and quality of moving engine parts.

Steps of Running In

a)Run the Generator at no-load. Check the Generator thoroughly as per methods aforementioned. If there is no abnormity, start the Generator. Tune the engine speed to idling and let the engine run for 10 min. Check the oil pressure and listen to the running sound of the Generator. Stop the engine.
b)Open the side cover of the cylinder block and feel with hand the temperature of the main bearing and the connection rod bearing. The temperature shall be no higher than 800C or such as your hand would get burnt. Monitor the conditions of all working parts. If all the parts have appropriate temperature and are in good condition, then proceed with the following step.
c)Raise  the  engine  speed  from idling  to  rated  gradually.  First,  rev  up  the  engine  by  200r/min,  let  the engine  run  for  2  min  and  then  repeat  the  revving  until  the  engine  reaches  the  rated  velocity. Nevertheless, the total amount of time for the engine running at no-load shall not exceed 5-10 min. During  run-in,  the  coolant  temperature  shall  always  maintain  at  between  75-800C  and  the  oil temperature no higher than 900C.
d)Connect the Generator to the load if everything is ok with the Generator and the load is in conformity with the technical requirements. Increase the load in a step-by-step way while the Generator runs at rated speed. First maintain the load at 25%, then raise it to 50% and then 80%. During run-in, check the oil level every 4 hours , replace lubricant, clean the oil pan and oil filter.
e)Check whether the main bearing screw cap, connection rod bearing screw cap, cylinder head screw cap, and fuel injection pump and injector screws are tightly fixed. Ensure that the valve clearance is right or adjust it when necessary.

Expected Performance after Run-in

a)The Generator can be started quickly without problems.
b)At rated load, the Generator works stably, steadily with no strange noises.
c)When the load changes greatly and abruptly, the diesel engine can return to a stable rev as quickly as possible.  When  running  at  high  velocity,  the  engine  doesn’t  get  overrevved  neither  does  the  speed fluctuate.  When  running  at  a  low  velocity,  the  engine  doesn’t  extinguish  neither  would  any  of  the cylinder cease working. The transition from one load to another is smooth and the color of the engine exhaust smoke is normal.
d)The  temperature  of  the  coolant  and  all  lubricated  parts  is  normal  and  the  oil  pressure  is  within expected level.

Service Checklist Importance of Service

Proper Maintenance and service, particularly preventative services, are vital to prolonging the life of the Generator and lowering operation cost.

Guidelines for service

•  Use  the  suggested  service  interval  described  in  the  instruction  of  Ettespower  as  a reference  for  daily maintenance.
• Service shall be done according to the technical requirements in the instruction manual for the engine and alternator specified for the Generator.
• Service interval shall correspond to the specific purpose of use and working environment of the Generator.

Service Cycle Checklist

a) Daily Service 
1. Check the instrumentation panel
2. Check the coolant level of the cooling system
3. Check the maintenance indicator of the engine air filter. Clean if necessary.
4. Check the engine oil level
5. Drain away the water and deposits in the fuel tank and fuel pre-filter
6. Check the coolant heater. Ensure it works normally.
7. Check the engine

b) Service after the first 250 hours of operation
1. Check the engine valve clearance and adjust if necessary
2. Test the engine rotating clutch plate
3. Test and clean the magnet speed sensor
4. Replace lubricant oil and filter
5. Replace coolant filter
6. Clean and/or replace fuel filter

c) Service for every week or 50 hours of operation
1. Check air filter
2. Drain away the water in the fuel pre-filter
3. Check the level of the battery electrolyte
4. Check the engine oil level
5. Check the coolant level
6. Check the engine exhaust piping
• Check the fuel plumbing
• Check the electric wirin
• Check the sensors and warning signal indicators to ensure their reliability

d) Service for every month or 100 hours of operation
1. Check the air intake and exhaust systems to ensure they are not obstructed
2. Check the engine exhaust system to ensure there is no leakage
3. Check the tension of the drive belt
4. Check the voltage and electrolyte proportion of the battery.
5. Check the battery charger
6. Check the reliability of the ATS transfer switch
7. Check the output voltage and frequency of the alternator
8. Drain away the condensed water in the engine exhaust pipes
9. Drain away the water in the fuel pre-filter
10. Test the on-load capability of the Generator

e) Service for every 250 hours of operation 
1. Add anti-corrosion agent into the cooling system
2. Lubricate the drive bearing of the fan
3. Check the hose and fixings of the cooling water tank
4. Clean the radiator
5. Replace lubricant oil and oil filter
6. Replace coolant filter
7. Clean and/or replace fuel filter

f) Service for every 6 months or 500 hours of operation
1. Replace air filter
2. Check the coolant
3. Check the tension of the drive belt
4. Check the insulation and fire proofing
5. Check the electric wiring
6. Check the firmness of bolts, screws and parts subject to vibration
7. Check and adjust engine valve clearance
8. Check and adjust fuel injection advance angle
9. Drain away the deposits in the main fuel tank
10. Clean the terminal of the battery
11. Clean the rotor and stator of the alternator with compressed air.

g) Service for every year or 1,000-2,000 hours of operation
1. Replace coolant
2. Replace fuel pre-filter

b.1. Replace engine oil and oil filter
2. Replace fuel filter
3. Clean the vent of the engine crank case
4. Adjust and tighten loose parts
5. Check and adjust valve clearance
6. Check and adjust fuel injection
7. Check the turbocharger
8. Check the oil pump and water pump
9. Check the transmission mechanism and corresponding phase
10. Check the Generator protections
11. Check and adjust the magnetoelectric rev sensor
12. Check the winding wiring and electric connections
13. Measure the electric insulation resistance

b) Service for every two years or 2,000-3,000 hours
1. Check the vibration damper for the crankshaft
2. Replace coolant and clean the coolant system
3. Load capability testing

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